Sold for 0.39 ETH 1033 days ago. Transaction 0xac6cf.
Transfer from 0xcf00b to 0x00000.
Transfer from 0xcf00b to 0x00000.
Fancy Bears Metaverse Collection
Fancy Bear #48 (Fancy Bears Metaverse #48) is token 48 of 0 in the Fancy Bears Metaverse (BEARS) NFT collection. Token #48 has 9 traits and follows the ERC-721 standard on the Etherium blockchain.
Fancy Bears Metaverse
Fancy Bears Metaverse
Fancy Bears Metaverse is a Dynamic NFT collection of 8888 programmatically generated avatars on the Ethereum blockchain. Bears love yachts, good vibes --- and Honey. All the girls love Fancy Bears!
We invented the Trait Swap, the first Dynamic NFTs platform, where you can personalize your PFPs with traits from different high end brands.
We have 50+ partners coming from the crypto space, fashion, lifestyle and NFT sectors, including Binance,, eToro, Vlaunch, GamerHash, Diesel and many others.
Check our website to learn more about Fancy Bears
We created Dynamic NFTs - Trait Swap | Fancy Honey Jars | Personalize your Fancy Bear